Review Gothic Prophet by Arthur Gibson

Gothic Prophet: A Den of 13 Novel

Goodreads Blurb:

Alexander Drupont's parents both died in a gruesome car crash on his twenty-first birthday. While most assume it is tragic, to Alexander this innocuous event is a springboard that launches him into the middle of the spiritual fantastical. From a mysterious man who seems to know his family he receives a key to a safety deposit box in a small town. Bringing along his closest friends he travels there to discover what is contained in the box and why he received it.

My Thoughts: 

Do you have any family secrets? I am sure everyone does. But Alexander Drupont's family secrets are more than anyone ever could have expected. After a car crash that killed his mother and father Alexander is approached by a man that he has never met before. The man claims to be a friend of the family and leaves Alex with some disturbing vibes. The man leaves Alex a very cryptic note with some keys and a letter saying that there is a family estate that he has been left but it was not included in the will.

Alex and his friends go on a road trip to Copperville B.C to look into this but they find that this mysterious piece of property has more secrets then he ever could have imagined. Alex thought he didn't have any family left but it turns out that he comes from a long line of wealthy people. But this family has some dark secrets that they will do anything to protect. Even kill.

I absolutely loved Gothic Prophet. An amazing mysterious, gripping and eerie read, that will keep you on your toes and begging for more. The twists and turns in this book were great. As soon as I thought I had things figured out Arthur went and twisted it up again. 

I loved the atmosphere that Arthur had going on through the book. I loved the characters and I loved the paranormal elements. they weren't as pronounced as i thought they would be but it made the book more mysterious for me.

I absolutely loved Gothic Prophet and I cannot wait for the second book! 

I Give this 4/5 Hearts!


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