Follow Friday! Would you change the ending of a book or series? Spoiler alert

Q. If you could change the ending of a book or series, which book would you choose and why would you want to?

A. Oh wow this is definitely a tough one. I would have to say I would choose the Immortal Series by Alyson Noel. I liked how she ended it but I feel like instead of having Ever and Damen return mortal again I think she should have tested Damen a little further instead of just Ever  and made it so that they had to find the antidote. I m not too sure if I like that she gave them another option. But I understand that the series could have just kept going if she didn't end it the way she did but Im not sure that after everything they had gone through to just end their immortality seemed fair to me. 
What do you think? Have you finished the Immortals Series and did you like the way it ended?? 


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  1. Hi, New follower here for the hop! I have to say that I just read the first two books and didn't continue with the series. Should I read the rest?

  2. new follower :) Yay another canadian blogger :D
    Cute blog by the way!

    My FF,

  3. Hey, new follower! I totally agree with you! I absolutely hated the way the Immortals ended. I felt like it was sort of a cop out and just a nice wrap up with some fairy tale ending. I don't know...

    Literary Exploration: Follow Friday [2]

  4. I've never read the Immortals series!! I love your site:D

    Great post, new follower:D

    My Post

  5. I've only read the first 3!
    Love your site so much, it's so cute!
    New follower.
    Have a great weekend.
    Mazz @ Words on the shelf

  6. I haven't read The Immortal Series. Great blog. New follower!

    My Follow Friday

  7. I'm sorry I only ever read the first book in this series - it was too dark (alcohol etc).

    I love your blog; I'm a new follower. Have a great weekend!

  8. Fellow Canadian Bloggers!

    Btw, great FF. I completely agree with you. The series had such potential. I just couldn't believe Noel ended the story like that. After spending 3 books searching for this magical drink, it just gets left in the dust.

    New Follower :)
    Check out my FF here >
