Follow Friday: Have you ever purchased a book because of a bad review?

FF 2012 Feature & Follow #91

Q: Have you ever bought a book BECAUSE of a bad review?

A: I would have to say no. I have never intentionally purchased a book because of a bad review, but
I do not let negative reviews stop me from reading a particular book.


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Happy Friday Guys and I hope you enjoy your weekend! Happy long weekend!


  1. I agree, I try not to let bad reviews stop me either however good reviews push me to read the book more. new follower. my ff.

  2. negative reviews definitely get to me!

    Trish - My FF

  3. Happy Friday!

    I think that if more than half of the people I consider true friends on GR negatively review a book, I might ignore it, or borrow it from the library to see what all the noise is about.

    New follower

  4. Tastes differ, right? I mean, I often read books because of negative revies, but then mostly because I think I might still enjoy them, even though often in a twisted way. LOL

    Patricia // My FF

  5. Following from FF - it's my first week taking part, so I'd love it if you would check out my FF post :)
