This is a great new meme that I came across yesterday. This originates from Shayn from Chick Loves Lit. This is a great way to recommend book titles to one another. I thought that this was a nice and creative way to recommend books to each other that I thought I would take part. Now these posts are suppose to go up on Mondays but I already had my review of My Life In Black and White by Natasha Friend posted before I saw this, so I will post this today but then stick to the Monday regime. So if you want to check it out visit Shayns Introductory Post to this great new Meme.
So this week is to Recommend A Trilogy. So for this week I am going to recommend
The Shiver Trilogy by Maggie Stiefvater. I honestly just picked this series up and finished reading it this week and I loved it!! Maggie's take on her wolves is amazing. I love how she stayed so close to the actual nature of how wolves are. This is also a great love story. So if you have not yet had the chance to read this series I highly recommend you do!
I loved this trilogy too. I've been wanting to do a reread of it but I'm missing the first book, might just be worth breaking my book buying ban over. Great recommendation! :]