ARC Review:My Life After Now by Jessica Verdi

My Life After NowMy Life After Now by Jessica Verdi
Release Date: April 2 2013
Publisher: Sourcebooks
Format: ARC Paperback
Genre: YA Contemporary
Source: Publisher

Goodreads Synopsis:
Lucy just had the worst week ever. Seriously, mega bad. And suddenly, it's all too much—she wants out. Out of her house, out of her head, out of her life. She wants to be a whole new Lucy. So she does something the old Lucy would never dream of.

And now her life will never be the same. Now, how will she be able to have a boyfriend? What will she tell her friends? How will she face her family?

Now her life is completely different...every moment is a gift. Because now she might not have many moments left.

My Thoughts:
I don't even know where to begin. This YA Debut novel  needs to be in the hands of most teenage girls. The raw emotion and passion that comes off the pages is palpable. 

Lucy never would have thought that one night of fun would change her life forever. She never dreamed that her life would be turned upside down. She is not "that" girl. She's smart and funny. She comes from a great home with two loving fathers. She's a drama geek for crying out loud. 

But if there is one thing that this book will teach you is that this could happen to anyone. One thoughtless action could change your life forever. It will also teach you to show yourself love as well as those around you. It will teach you that ignorance, is in fact not bliss.

Lucy's story is heart breaking. To have to deal with having HIV for the rest of your life would change anyone and not always for the better. Lucy struggles with this obviously. But how she learns to deal with her situation is amazing.

I really enjoyed this book. I laughed and cried. It was touching and awe-inspiring. I definitely recommend reading Life After Now. This is one book that will make you think and be grateful. It will also teach you to be extra careful.

Great job Jessica!! 


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