Release Date: June 12, 2013
Publisher: Stardance Publishing
Format: ebook Pages: 174
Series: Ennara #1
Sources: Netgalley
Goodreads Synopsis:
When a mysterious curse threatens to transform everyone into shadowy demons, a magical eleven year-old girl must travel to a sunken city ruin—fighting pirates, monsters, and an undead sorcerer along the way—to find a weapon that can save her world.
My Thoughts:
The Cover: I love the cover of Ennara and the Fallen Druid. Ennara, Kithe, Gevin, and Smoos, the amazing marine cat, surrounded by dark shadows. What beautiful colors. This cover got me excited for a new adventure with wizards, magicians, monsters, and a quest.
The Plot: The plot of Ennara and the Fallen Druid was very well written. It is definitely for a YA audience, but not so much that I could not get into it. The pacing was very good; I did not feel that any part dragged. The adventure was fun and interesting and I enjoyed watching the friendships form. I only wish it was longer.
Characters: All of the characters were well developed. They each had their strengths, weaknesses, and back stories. I felt that Ennara transferred really quickly, almost too quickly from scared and weak little girl to confident wizard. But I guess sometimes situations change you or give you that courage you need. And I guess once you have stepped out of your element, it only gets easier. I liked all of the characters, and enjoyed watching them grow as their situations changed.
Is it Worth Reading?: Oh yes!! I very much enjoyed Ennara and the Fallen Druid and found it was exactly what I needed to get me over any reading slump. I look forward to Book 2, Ennara and the Book of Shadows and I recommend Ennara and the Fallen Druid to readers of I give Ennara and the Fallen Druid 4 out of 5 crossbows.

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