Follow Friday: Have you ever broke up with your book boyfriend or girlfriend?

FF 2012 Feature & Follow #94

Q: Have you had a character that disappointed you? One that you fell in love with and then "broke" up with later on in either the series or a stand-alone book? 

A: Ah I would definitely say that yes I have in fact been in love with a character and then broke up with him. I am talking about Colt from Karsten Knight's Wildefire. If any of you have read this book then you know exactly what I am talking about. I am hoping that in some way he will be able to redeem himself in Embers and Echos. I am just not sure how he is going to be able to do that.


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Happy Friday Guys and I hope you enjoy your weekend! 


  1. Old follower stopping by. I haven't read this one yet.

  2. LOL! That's a good way to put it. Broken up with your book boyfriend. I like that.
    My FF Post

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  3. I haven't read this one yet, but its on my TBR.
    New Follower:)

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