ARC Review: Ferocity Summer by Alissa Grosso

Ferocity Summer
Release Date: May 8 2012
Publisher: Flux
Format: ARC Paperback
Genre: YA/Fiction
Source: Publisher

Goodreads Synopsis:

Scilla Davis is haunted by a horrible accident that she was involved in last summer—a drunken, reckless joyride that ended in tragedy. With a big trial looming, life seems empty, unreal, and utterly hopeless. It’s especially painful watching her best friend, Willow, slowly destroy herself with pills and booze. Yet Scilla can’t seem to wrest Willow—or herself—from a path of self-destruction.

But there might be a possible escape from this nightmare. As a dangerous new drug called Ferocity sweeps the nation, an FBI agent asks Scilla to turn narc and help locate the Ferocity kingpin. In exchange, she could avoid conviction for her role in the accident. All she has to do is deceive and betray people she’s known all her life . . .

My Thoughts:

I really enjoyed this book. It was gritty and realistic and it was actually a little scary when you think about how teenagers are actually doing this. 

I was really surprised at how gripping the novel was. It sucked me in and I read this in one day. There was something about Pricilla that is easy to relate too. She is a character that teenager girls can read about and compare her story with theirs.

The situations and plot surrounding Ferocity Summer happen more than people think. I think this is a great eye opener into the world of drugs and alcohol and it's effects on the average teen.

This is a book that I feel every teen should read. Whether they are a boy or a girl. There is a message that everyone can take home from this. 

I thoroughly enjoyed this book and I applaud Alissa for not being afraid to be raw and edgy with her book!


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