ARC Review: Undone by Cat Clarke

UndoneUndone by Cat Clarke
Release Date: May 6 2014
Publisher: Sourcebooks
Format: ARC paperback
Pages: 384
Genre: Contemporary
Source: Publisher

Goodreads Synopsis:
Jem Halliday is in love with her gay best friend. Not exactly ideal, but she's learning to live with it. 

Then the unspeakable happens. Kai is outed online ... and he kills himself.

Jem knows nothing she can say or do will bring him back. But she wants to know who was responsible. And she wants to take them down. 

My Thoughts:
Undone. What a very fitting title. This book was heavy. Heavy in a way that makes you truly sit back and question what type of person you are. How far would you be willing to go if the person you loved most was taken from you, just for being who they are? When did being a human being stop being enough?

Jem and Kai broke me over and over. The bond that these two had was once in a lifetime. A friendship that will never die even in death.

I really enjoyed Undone. The subject matter was perfect. The words scream at you to pay attention. I loved how Cat didn't sugar coat a thing. Despite being a work of fiction, this happens on a daily basis and it makes you think about what you say and how other's may or may not react to those words.

The subject of suicide is always a heavy one and Undone speaks volumes to those who are left behind. The revenge that Jem seeks truly changes her and it's not all for the better. This book truly makes you wonder if you ever really know somebody. Everyone has their secrets and everyone has their reason for those secrets. Sometimes it is just best to leave well enough alone. 

Undone is an emotional story that left me with questions and was truly an eye opening experience. I was really pleased with where Cat took this story . 

You are not going to want to miss a chance at reading Undone.



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