Thirteen by Kelley Armstrong
Format: Hardcover
Publisher: Random House/Dutton
Genre: Paranormal/Fantasy
Source: Purchased
Goodreads Synopsis:
War is coming to the Otherworld. A sinister cult known as The Supernatural Liberation Movement is hell-bent on exposing the truth about supernaturals to the rest of the world. Their violent, ruthless plan has put everyone at risk: from werewolves to vampires, from witches to half-demons.
Savannah Levine - fiery and unpredictable - stands at the heart of the maelstrom. There is a new, dark magic inside her, granting her the power to summon spells of terrifying strength. But whether this magic is a gift or a curse, no one knows.
On the eve of battle, all the major players must come together in a last, desperate fight for survival - Elena and Clay; Adam and Savannah; Paige and Lucas; Jeremy and Jaime; Hope, Eve and more...They are fighting for lives.
They are fighting for their loved ones.
They are fighting for the Otherworld
My Thoughts:
Such a fantastic way to end the series. As sad as I am to see it end, I am so thrilled to have been able to take the journey with these amazing characters. It isn't all wrapped up in a neat bow or anything but it is perfect. Kelley has a great way of sucking you in and becoming extremely invested in all the character's. Not one character isn't important. They all play key roles into the stories progression and they all tie in perfectly.
As much as I would love for Kelley to continue this series and have it go on forever, I know that isn't possible. But as far as series enders go this one was well done. I will not/cannot go into more detail without spoiling the crap out of it, so I won't.
Just know that if you have read any books in this series, you know how well they are written so you will not be disappointed with Thirteen.
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